A Satisfying Love

Hey, have you ever been loved so good, that you thought, man if I never experience love again I could live with the memory of you forever!? No. Well I have. The deepest, purest most colorful love walked into my life in April of 2003 and I have never been the same. My husband wooed me with a love so divine, so Christ like that I thought, so this is what God’s love should feel like in human form. I thought to myself, if God called my husband home today there was a strong possibility that I would never marry again, because I would not want anything to taint the memory of what we had.

I often wondered in time past why Coretta-Scott King or Betty Shabazz never remarried, but after having had such an experience I believe it was for that very reason that they chose to remain widows. These women lived in light of unshakeable love, unquenchable faith and intolerable legacy. Who would taint such a satisfying love? Well tonight’s post is more about the love of my Savior that even trumps the love of my earthly husband. For you see, my Savior became broke and broken for me (according to 2 Corinthians 8:9; John 3:16). He bore my sin when He had committed none of His own (Isaiah 53:12). His family turned their backs because of His love for me and He still married me anyways (Matthews 27:46; Ephesians 5:25). Now I would say that’s some kind of love! The bible says, “What is man that thou art mindful of Him”? God’s mind is full of me all day everyday. He is working on my behalf to protect me, provide for me, express his unfailing love towards me in order to bring me in His loving care (Jeremiah 33:3). If you have never experienced a love quite so sacrificial and selfless as this, why not surrender your life to Him, He is still accepting more into the wedding party! If your marriage is dying, try satisfying it with the love that only Christ can give, I did!